Saturday, May 17, 2014

5/17/2014 Leaving Family Sebastian County Fairgrounds, Greenwood Arkansas

Have I mentioned Zade is still playing soccer.  This week end is the last of the all-star soccer tourneys.  This one is in Cape Girardeau.

There was a game Friday night at 6:00, one this morning at 8 a.m., and in the morning at 10:15.
Friday night Zade was worn out from the week at school, so wasn't "into" the game as much as some games.  The team lost.  This morning Zade had had a good sleep so was ready to play.  The game ended in a 0-0 tie.  

That's as good as a win for their team.  They are much more defensive minded than offensive minded.  

We had been making plans to leave Cape Girardeau after the eight o'clock Saturday (today) game to visit with Gary and Evelyn.  But during the game our daughter called to share the news that her father-in-law had passed away last evening. 

After the game we finished the preparations to get on the road.  Darin and Sarah and Ashlynn and Zade came to the RV park to say good-byes and get one last hug and kiss.  If plans go as anticipated it will be 10 weeks or so before we see them.  

We changed our travel from north to south (after letting Evelyn/Gary know) and headed to near Ft. Smith Arkansas to spend some time Trisha/Jeff and family.  Funeral services are Tuesday and Wednesday for Willie B.

Willie B was 91 years and 10 months of age.  We have enjoyed getting to know him in the past few years.  He lived his Christian faith, always beamed with a smile, played a guitar, and LOVED his family.  He will be missed by his family and many friends.

 Cropland fields are soggy, every row and ditch filled with water; ditches and creeks and rivers are flowing rapidly with muddy water, spilling over the banks into adjoining fields.  There was one heavy shower this morning with several periods of mist/light rain.  

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