Wednesday, May 21, 2014

5/21/2014 Is it Sunday? Saturday? Wednesday?

Do you have days you can't figure out what day it is?  Or it seems like another day?

Today it is Wednesday. But it doesn't seem like the middle of the week because.... We attended the funeral for Trisha's father in law.  Somehow the funeral made it seem like church service on Sunday.

Willie left quite a legacy.  Literally everyone who knew him mentioned how friendly he was, what a good friend he was, never knew a stranger, how happy he always was.

I mentioned yesterday that he played a guitar, right up to the days before the last hospitalization.  I knew he had started playing once a week in the dining room of the care center.  I learned today that he then was requested to play/sing in the second wing of the care center, and, that he had organized a band with other care center residents.  

Trisha/Jeff's house was filled with family.  We enjoyed another wonderful lunch.  If you didn't read yesterday's journal entry to see the menu, go back to read.

Today the menu was: fried chicken, bar-b-qued ribs, pulled pork, pulled beef, jambalaya, baked beans, cole slaw, salad with Italian dressing, and two kinds of cake.  

We used the Seal-A-Meal machine to bag some of the food to put in the freezer for later use.  There are three teen-aged boys who will eat it later!  

We then returned to our home on wheels, leaving the other family to visit, discuss plans, admire a 6-week old baby boy....all the things a family does when there is a gathering.

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