Thursday, May 22, 2014

5/22/2014 Quiet Day

Glen got ambitious this afternoon.  He washed and detailed the truck.  Oh, my!  The truck looks better.

We tried a new lunch place that Trisha recommended.  it is called "Pad Thai".  Obviously the menu is made up of Thai dishes.  We each had a bowl of "pad Thai.  Mine was flavored with beef, and Glen's was a combo of pork, beef, and chicken.  It is long, skinny noodles, sprouts, green onions, soy, and sprinkled with crushed peanuts.

It was scrumptious.  The servings were large.  We brought enough home for dinner.  Delicious the second time.

Brady is signing up for "dual-credit" courses for his junior year in high school.  Tonight he had a meeting at the U of Arkansas-Ft. Smith.  It was an orientation for the classes.  They were reminded the classes are "college"; assignments are made and it is up to the student to get assignments finished.  Part of the class is  Dave Ramsey's " Responsible Finances" (not the official name).  

College classes, dual credit classes remind me how fast time is passing by and changing.  Brady will have several college hours at graduation.  

Today's high was 90 degrees.  This reminds me of early summer rather than late spring.   

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