Monday, May 26, 2014

5/26/2014 Ode to the GPS (Lake View RV Park, Houston TX)

We have always bragged on Texas roads as being the best we have traveled.  Not today!  Highway 59 south of Carthage, Texas to Houston was horrible, bumpy, uneven, shake the liven' daylights out of you rough, all the way to Houston, about 4 hours.

Now, for the question of the day.  How did we ever travel without a GPS?

We maneuvered through downtown Houston to the RV park, recommended by friends Ron and Brenda.

Lake View RV Park is 5 miles from MD Anderson Cancer Center with a shuttle going to and from.  We did a trial run this afternoon, finding our way, as we will drive in the morning.

The GPS got us through downtown to the park, to MD Anderson, to the nearest WalMart, and back to the RV park, without any glitches.  

How in the world did travelers make it with just paper maps?  One explanation is that travelers back in the olden days didn't travel long distances.  I remember often meeting company in town, then guiding them to our home in the country.  

I assume the GPS system came about as a result of NASA, and satellites and probably the Armed Services.  I salute the engineers, photographers, scientists responsible for this technology.  

We are to be at MD Anderson at 10 a.m.  I assume it will be an all-day procedure/situation.  When we know something, we will let you know.  Say a prayer for Glen, the doctors, nurses, technicians making decisions.  

Thank you, veteran, active or retired, or served a long time ago.  We appreciate you service, your dedication to the USA.  We say "thanks" to your family who missed you, worried for you, and was eternally gratefully when you returned, and who mourned those that didn't return.  

My dad had five brothers.  All six served in the Army/Air Force or Navy from WW II through Korea.  

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