Monday, May 26, 2014

5/26/2014 Catching up Carthage RV Park, Carthage, Texas

It has been a very quiet few days, meaning we have done nothing worth reporting to you, our adoring fans! :}

We left Greenwood, AR, Sunday morning, heading south.

"What", you scream!  "That is not the way to Alaska!"

Well, you know those plans that full-timers write in Jell-o.  The plans that are never set.  Our plans changed.

Nearly a month ago at a routine medical check-up, it was discovered that  Glen has an (very) elevated white blood count.  Long story short....he has been diagnosised with CLL {chronic lymphocystic  luekemia).  

A few facts:  
   +it is very slow growing
   +elevated white blood count is Glen's only symptom
   +it is related to Glen's exposure to Agent Orange

All of this happened in Cape Girardeau, MO.  We liked the doctor very much, but chose to have a second opinion.  Thus..we are headed to MD Anderson in Houston Texas.  

The oncologist in Cape Girardeau suggested that we go ahead, head to Alaska, come back in three months and forget all things medical.  Sounds good, but we decided we wanted more info, not having to wonder all summer about every ache/pain.

IF, and that is what we expect to hear, MD Anderson tells us the same thing--go have a great summer---that we will immediately start to Alaska.  IF NOT, then we will do what MD Anderson says!

Obviously, this new, unexpected health hiccup was not in our plans.  We are aware that our ability to lead the gypsy lifestyle may be curtailed.  But, whatever happens, we meet with gratefulness for the past nearly seven years, with the knowledge that the Lord is guiding our life, that we have the love and prayers for our family and friends.  

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