Sunday, May 4, 2014

5/4/2014 The Week-End

Zade, age 5 11/12; Ashlynn, age 7 8/12.

These two kept us busy this week-end.

Their parents needed to attend a couples' wedding shower yesterday morning.  We entertained...ok, they entertained us all morning while the parents were busy.

Lunch was at a new-to-us restaurant, El Sol, on Broadway Street in Cape Girardeau.  It is now our new favorite Mexican restaurant.  El Sol has been open about six months.

Their family returned to their home in the afternoon.  The soon-to-be married couple spent the afternoon with them.

We had a leisurely afternoon and evening.

Zade had all-star soccer practice this afternoon.  We joined the entire family after soccer practice.  There was time for more sports for Zade:  "Poppy, will you play catch with me?  Poppy, I want to bat, too."  

I watched Ashlynn on her scooter.  

Have a great week!  It is finally great weather.  Today's high was 88 degrees, summer like temperatures.  Where was spring?

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