Tuesday, June 10, 2014

June 10, 2014 Whitehorse, Yukon to Tok, Alaska (Cabin at Tok RV Village, Tok, Alaska)

A large weather vane.  This plane turns with the wind. Whitehorse Airport, Yukon

Gayla loves the mountains.

Lake Kluane, Destruction Bay, Yukon, Canada
Horses feeding along the highway.  Between Destruction Bay and Tok, Alaska

Road construction.  Large pipes drain water under the road.

The only wildlife photo today.

We made it.

International boundary marked between Canada and USA.
Sleeping quarters for tonight.

It was a long, curvy, hilly, rough road today.  There were mountains in the front, pine trees on the side.  The area looks very dry.  The lakes and creeks and rivers are low.  

Have I mentioned "frost heaves"?  They are rough, deep, uneven places where the pavement moves during the winter freezes, pushing the surface up and down.  There was lots of frost heaves, and uneven surface today.  The orange flags and cones marking the rough places means "Slow Down!"

We are sleeping in a log cabin tonight.

Being back in the good ole United States means the WiFI works, the data plan on the phone can be turned back on.  Hurray, we are connected again.

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