Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 21 and 22, 2014 Leaving Seward and Arriving Homer, Alaska

On travel days there isn't much to report, especially if we don't see wildlife.

These two bald eagles were perched on a tree in a cloud, as if to say "good-bye" as we left Seward Saturday after lunch.

These prices are high but doesn't compare to Canada.

There were the usual beautiful streams, snow-covered mountains, and trees, trees, trees.  No wildlife seen.

We drove by one stream where the salmon fishermen were lined up nearly shoulder to shoulder.

Speaking of fishing: Glen and Brady are on a halibut fishing charter today.  It was Brady's number one wish for the trip.  Thankfully it isn't raining or windy.  It is overcast and cool at the campground.  They reported to the charter boat at 6:30 a.m. with a stop first to get Brady's fishing license.  I do hope there are fish tales, successful ones, of course, when they get in tonight.  

The laundermat here at the c'ground is convenient, clean, and relatively cheat: $2 per load, both wash and dry.  I did one load.  The number of clean undies was verging on the low side!  When the boys get in tonight I will collect the dirty jeans and do one more load.

I am content to do nothing today.  If the sun comes out I will take a chair to the beach/shore and watch the waves.  I think Trisha, Jeff and Landon, Tanner and Natalie are going to explore the area.

Homer is on the southern edge of the "Ring of Fire", an area of seven active volcanoes.  On a sunny day the views of the snow-covered mountains is spectacular.  Ah-oh, I think I hear sprinkles on the roof.  

Natalie, our picky  eater with a limited plalate, spotted a McDonalds when we arrived in Homer.  Yes, that is where we ate dinner.  She was so happy.  

I like this Wall Art.  It's on a building here in the campground.  

A fishing report and pictures at the end of the day.

BTW: have you thought about the time zone in Alaska.  It is three hours earlier than Central Time.  These facts are borrowed from Marcella and Jeff:

"Today is summer solstice, a much celebrated day in Alaska.   Sunrise was at 4:32 AM and sunset will be at 11:26 PM. 

An interesting fact: Civil sunrise and sunset is the period before and after sunrise and sunset in which it is still light. Civil sunrise was 2:43 AM and civil sunset will be 1:14 AM tomorrow morning."

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