Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22, 2014 The Fishermen have Returned (Homer, Alaska; Homer Spit Campground)

Brady:  "It was like Christmas morning!" with a tired smile on his face.

Brady and Poppy Glen are so-o-o tired they can't wiggle, But they are two happy fishermen.  It was a great day.  No rain, but overcast.

The charter boat, "Sundy", took the fishermen into the Cook Inlet one hour and forty-five minutes from the departure marina.

Brady and Glen with their keepers.

Two of the keepers have to be under 29 inches.  The other two can be any size/weight. There is a limit of two halibut per fisherman.

The charter boat "the Sundy".

Brady and Glen talking to a deck hand.

They used three pound weights on their lines with a three-inch chunk of herring for bait.  

They fished in water 180-feet deep.  These fishermen said it was "tiring" to reel in the line each time they lost bait or lost a fish.  Brady caught ten halibut and one cod; Glen caught ten halibut.  

The fish were cleaned and filleted out to see, so no pictures when they disembarked.  

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