Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014 Traveling North (Back to Portage Valley RV Park, Portage, AK)

It's time to start traveling north.  These past ten days have just gone by much too rapidly. 

We left Homer after a visit to Two Sister's Bakery.  We have wonderful memories of eating there four years ago.  Today it seemed that the memories were better than the food.  We learned it is "meatless Monday", which means the "biscuit and gravy" served was brown gravy and mushrooms.  Even Glen didn't like it.  Tanner and Landon cancelled their order for biscuit/gravy after Glen gave a review of his big bowl filled with mushroom gravy.

Even the quiche was "vegetarian".  My slice was spinach and sweet potato with cheese.  
The sticky buns and cinnamon rolls were on the dry side.  

The rest of the Framily Caravan are parked in Ninilchek for three days.  Jim/Dee and Jeff/Marcella are going halibut fishing tomorrow.

Oh...we stopped at the fish processing company to pick up the halibut caught yesterday.  It was in seal-a-meal packets and frozen.  There were 21 one-pound packages, which will be divided between us and Brady's family.  It will remain in the freezer until Thursday morning.  They have a box lined with styrofoam to carry their share on the plane.  

Are you wondering about the cost to process the fish?  We were pleasantly surprised to learn it was about $1 per pound.  That was to cut-to-size, seal-a-meal package and freeze. 

We are back in Portage, which is about 8 miles to Whittier.  We are going to travel through the two-and-half mile tunnel to eat halibut at Whittier one last time.   

It is raining--once again.  There hasn't been too many days, if any, that hasn't a shower or two.  

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