Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 25, 2014 Last day in Anchorage with Burklow-Wilkinson Family

It has been a lazy, wet day.  It rained all night and all day.

We have gathered all our things to go in the truck out of the small motorhome.  Plus...all of the foodstuff that Trisha's family has left over.  She has repacked all of the heavy coats, long underwear, gloves, and hats in the containers we brought with us.

There will be no need for them in Arkansas.  :}  It is in the 90's there

The story of the day....
Trisha, Jeff and all of the kids except Brady, who stayed with us, went to an indoor water park this afternoon.  On the way, in downtown Anchorage, Tanner announces "there is a black bear, a big one."  They thought he was kidding, eventually turning around to see the bear.

Trisha says Tanner was correct: it was a big black bear.  They watched it for several minutes in a yard.  They eventually turned around to go on to the water park.  To their amazement the bear comes out into the street, in front of them.  Trisha says it nearly touched the front bumper of the truck.  It finally ambled to another yard, and then climbed a tree.

Trisha was amazed.  She kept saying "a bear, a bear in the middle of town."

Yesterday afternoon Trisha had decided we would take a Segway tour of downtown Anchorage.  We--even Glen and I--were fitted with helmets and got a 15-20 minute lesson outdoors on how to keep them balanced, go backward, make turns.  It was fairly easy to learn, some easier and quicker than others.  Natalie looked like she rode one to school every day.

There were the eight of us and another older (than us) couple.  We divided into five with each leader.  Glen, Brady, and the other couple and I left in one group.  We weren't five blocks from the start when there was a sideswipe, and I went sideways and down to the pavement.  Yep, some road rash on my right knee and elbow, with a few sore spots.

The man from the other couple was crossing in the crosswalk, I was on his right and had him cleared, I thought, when he swerves to the right.  At least that is how I saw/remembered it.  He wasn't hurt, and his Segway was fine.  I got to the corner; the leader dragged my Segway off the crosswalk.  I got my breath and was ready to go on.  BUT, the Segway wouldn't start.  I decided to walk back to the departure location; Glen came with me.  The leader left the Segway with a store on the corner, and went on with Brady and the other couple.  

Trisha, Jeff, Landon, Natalie, and Tanner and their leader (much younger than our leader) picked up Brady at some point.  There was not much historical background given, but lots of fun riding!  

The Segway company gave Jeff credit for the two Segways that didn't go far.  A nice gesture which not all companies would have done.

Today the elbow is more sore than the knee, but it won't take long to heal.  
Two big things I tried this lining and Segways.

These 13 days with Trisha and Jeff and kids have gone by so quickly.  It has been great family time and made lots of memories.  I just hope the four teenagers haven't been bored to death.  We drove about 1200 miles and saw lots of beautiful scenery.

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