Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 26-27, 2014 Famous Last Words (Super 8 Motel, Dawson Creek, Canada)

Famous Last Words....
Thursday night:
We will get a room in Whitehorse.  It's a large city.  There won't be any problems.

There was some kind of tournament going on and all hotel/motel rooms were booked except for one.  That one was $197 for one night.  No, thank you.

We drove on down the road 40 miles, pulled into a rest stop and slept four hours in the cab of the truck.

Glen awakened at 4:15 this morning and we started south.  
We stopped tonight in Dawson Creek at 9:15 at the Super 8 motel, renovated in 2013.

We learned our lesson. I called this afternoon and made a reservation!

Total mileage Thursday and Friday: nearly 1700 miles.  You might say we are anxious to get the motor home tomorrow.  

The long drives have been more interesting by the wildlife we are seeing.  Totals the past two days:  6 grizzlies, 12 black bear, 2 moose, herd (100+) of elk, herd (40?) of bison, 1 stone sheep, rabbits galore early this morning, 1 ptarmigan, several swans.  

I have pictures but will do a separate entry for pictures when it isn't so late. 

We will make it to Grande Prairie by noon tomorrow.  We will pick up the motor home, make sure it is running properly.  We fully expect all to be all right but won't leave until Sunday morning.  

We will be sleeping in our bed tomorrow!

Trisha and family traveled through four time zones yesterday.  They arrived home, tired, but without delays or problems.  Brady and Natalie leave Sunday for church camp.  They have a busy summer!

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