Wednesday, June 4, 2014

June 3-4, 2014 Hail, Hail, the Gang is All Here! (June 3:Hinton Jasper KOA RV Park; June 4: Rotary RV Park, Grande Parairie, Alberta Can)

We left Lake Louise, drove through the ice fields, the city of Jasper, and on to Hinton, Alberta Canada.  We stayed over night at the Hinton-Jasper KOA RV Park.  W-IFI was iffy, and I never did get connected.

Friends Dee and Jim were already there.  They left south Texas a month ago and sashayed their way through the west and made it to Hinton to meet us.  In just a few minutes, Marcella (Glen's younger sister) and Jeff drove in.  Marcella retired last Friday from teaching and they put the pedal to the metal and were able to meet us also.

Hail, hail, the gang is all here.  The list of characters:
   Us...Glen and Gayla, in a 40' motorhome
   Evelyn and Gary (Glen's sister), in a 35' fifth wheel
   Marcella and Jeff, driving a 32' super Class C
   Jim and Dee, friends, in a 36' motorhome.

Sometime during yesterday's drive Glen commented that our MH seemed to be losing power, but we kept on going.  Last evening Glen talked to tech support at our roadside service: Coach Net.  BTW:  Coach Net has been great, with assistance and support.  

After describing the symptoms the tech suggested to Glen it would be safe to drive another 4-5 hours to the larger city of Grand Prairie where a Cummins dealer is located.  

This morning after driving less than hour Glen was aware that power was much decreased, the black smoke was rolling out of the exhaust, and there was a clacking noise.  He detached the truck from the motorhome.  I then drove the truck the rest of the day.  After a couple of hours, Glen decided that the MH should not be driven any more. 

He talked to the tech at Coach Net again.  She told Glen that as long as there was no "check engine" light or "stop engine" light it was safe to drive on in.  

Of course today's route was the hilliest of all the days' driving.
I thought I might have to push him up some of the hills. 

 We limped into the Rotary RV Park, in Grande Prairie, Alberta this afternoon.  We immediately got into the truck to find the Cummins Engine shop so we would know where we were going in the morning.

Our prayer for our dear motor home is for the tech to find the problem easily, have the necessary parts, and be able to fix it quickly--as in the same day.

Our dear friends which includes our family are sticking with us.  We feel like we are holding them back.  We will see what tomorrow brings whether they stay here, or go on up the road for us to catch up with later.

Hope that isn't too many details!

Other than the engine worries, there are other things to tell you about:  Here are a few pictures to share.  We saw lots of animals, glaciers, reflecting lakes, and beauty all around us.  By the way, it doesn't matter that we were on this same route four years ago, it's all new to us ! LOL

You can see the elevation.

This is a beautiful reflecting lake! The official name is Lower Waterfowl Lake.

The other end of the lake.

I like the way the fluffy clouds parked right in the middle.
This black bear was enjoying the tender green grass at the edge of the road.
He decided that standing and eating was too much work.
This mountain goat was one of 12-14 that was enjoying a mineral lick at the side of the road.

The same black bear.
A young caribou.

This the glacier at the Jasper (Nat Park) Ice Fields.  It has receded several feet in the past four years.

Today we saw while driving, no pictures of course, an Arctic fox, a black bear, mule deer.  Jim and Dee had a moose run from one side of the road to the other right in front of them.  By quickly applying the brakes an impact was avoided. 

We are appreciating the fast WIFI here.  We have been able to check email, Facebook, write the blog--you know, all the important stuff!  

It is time to say good night.  BTW, it is 46 degrees, sprinkling, still daylight (10 p.m.), jackets are needed and it's time tomorrow to get out the long pants.

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