Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 2014 Still in Grand Prairie, AB

In the event there is no WI-FI tonight I will do a quick catch-up.

The rest of the Framily Caravan moved out of Grand Prairie this morning, heading to Dawson Creek the beginning of the Alaska Highway, formerly known as The Alcan.  They will be spending the night at Ft. Nelson.

Noon: we are still in Grande Prairie, sitting in the Visitor's Center which has great WI-FI.  The motor home is still at Cummins Shop, with the hope it will be finished after lunch.  We don't want to hurry the work as we want it done properly.  

But we will hit the road as soon as it is finished.

We are going to get a bit to eat before we head to Cummins Shop.  

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