Friday, June 6, 2014

June 6, 2014 The Redwoods Hotel, Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada

Yes, we are still here.  

We checked out of the hotel this morning, went to the Cummins' shop and sat in the truck most of the day.  We expected to be told any minute it was coming out of the shop and ready to go.

It didn't happen.  One thing led to another led to another.  At six p.m. the motor home was backed out of the bay, and started.  It sounded just like it did when we drove it in.  There was clattering and black smoke.

At this point it is speculated that one or more valves are burned/damaged which leads to the head being damaged.  It will be taken apart in the morning.  If the head is damaged then a new one would be shipped from Edmundton, arriving on Tuesday.  Glen has volunteered, if necessary, to drive there and pick it up, saving a day or two or three.  All of this will be decided tomorrow.

The only schedule we had planned for the summer was to meet our daughter and family a week from today at the Anchorage Airport.  It is likely at this point that that won't happen.  They will be on their own, without Grammy and Poppy as their guides for a few days.  
They have a Class C motorhome rented for 13 days.

This is a rather large blip to encounter.  But, it is the first blip like this in six and half years.  We will survive.

We are checked into a different motel from last night.  This is a new building.  The room is very nice.  

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