Saturday, July 12, 2014

7/11/2014 8:49 p.m. Alaska Time: Hatcher Pass Road, Willow, MO

Hurray, the rain stopped, there was blue sky and sunshine between the white fluffy clouds.  It was just right for a road trip.  

First, it was 20 miles south on the Glenn Highway to the turn-off to Hatcher Pass Road.  The Milepost describes is: "a highly recommended summer side trip to scenic alpine country and the historic Independence Mine....Hatcher Pass Road is both an old-time Alaska road--narrow, bumpy, dirt and gravel--and a modern paved route complete with scenic turnouts for the tourists."  

The first ten miles were paved, then there was 22 miles of gravel.  For a gravel road, the surface wasn't too bad.  The scenery is beautiful, as well as Willow Creek that runs the length of the road.

Gary and Evelyn rode with us.  Jeff and Marcella were in their truck.  When we arrived at Summit Lake, there was a 2.2-mile round trip trail.  Evelyn decided to hike the trail with Jeff and Marcella.  Gary, Glen, and I headed back to the RV park.

Remember you can click on the pictures to enlarge.

 A willow ptarmigan alongside the road.
 Glen along Willow Creek
It is fascinating how this tiny tree can grow on that rock in the middle of Willow Creek.  The entire thing is only two foot tall.

An abandoned gold mine.
 There were buildings and some equipment behind locked gates at the Lucky Shot.
This is what every sign looks like: all shot to pieces.

From whence we came.
 The beginning of the trail going to the summit; the one Glen, Gary, and I did not go on.
Marcella, Evelyn and Jeff getting ready to hike that trail.

There they go!
At the first bend.

See them way over on the right!

 Admiring the waterfall.
 The way home!

The mother Arctic ground squirrel (on the far left)l is telling her three young ones:  "Run, Forrest, Run!"

Chefs Jim and Dee grilled salmon burgers for us tonight for dinner.  The burger wasn't quite a salmon cake; more a pure formed burger of salmon. Very good.

Everyone else contributed a side dish.  As always, a delicious meal.  

Who knows what tomorrow will bring.

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