Sunday, July 13, 2014

7/12/2014 Around Willow and Talkeetna

It has been a day of "a bit of this", " a dab of that", "let's go there."

Glen worked on bookwork this morning.  I worked on preparations for supper tonight.  Glen had requested beans and cornbread!  

Midday the four couples went for a short road trip.  North of here is a that can't be described, only experienced.

Do you watch the show "American Pickers"?  "Wal-Mike's" is a place the two guys from American Pickers would stop in.  Every kind of collectible, junky stuff, one of this, ten of those.  You would ask about something and "Mike" would reply "not for sale".  Not one of us bought anything.  

We watched for moose along the road as we traveled.  Nary a one to be seen.

We checked out Suisuitana RiverCampground, a state-owned location, but privately managed.  It reminds us of a Corps of Engineers campground.  The sites are large, located at the junction of two wild, fast-flowing rivers, electric only.  We all  agreed we would stay there next time we are through here.  

We stopped on the banks of Montana Creek to see if the king salmon were running.  They are.  The fishing season has been halted until Monday to give the kings a chance to spawn before being caught.

Look for the reddish shadow in the water.  The kings are the largest and best of the salmon.  These were about 3 feet long.  

The day ended with food and games.  Beans and two kinds of cornbread--plain and jalapeno' for dinner.

Then a game of Farkel, also called Zilch.  It's a game played with six dice.  It was fun.  I came back from last to second!

Evelyn, Marcella, Glen, and Jeff sang with the guitar for an hour or so.  

We are just indoors, and the rain is falling.  There has been very few days with no rain.  All day was nice: a high of 63 degrees, some blue sky, some high fluffy clouds, some sunshine, and now rain.

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