Thursday, July 24, 2014


It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

No, I am not in the wrong season.

We went to North Pole, Alaska this afternoon! There's a "Santa Claus House" with all things Christmas-y on display and for sale!

 On the front door.
 Tile mural on the Santa Claus House.
 Santa Claus House
Even the police department looks like Christmas.

I checked the "naughty or nice" list with Santa!

This afternoon we went to the Nenana Community Farmer's Market.  Wow! there were several booths offering a variety of products.

Fresh vegetables and fruits for sale included blueberries, wild strawberries, kale, Swiss chard, cucumbers, lettuce and spinach.  

There were bakery items, including crepes filled with savory or sweet.  I enjoyed a rhubarb/strawberry crepe, and Glen chose a blueberry creme.  

Artisans offered pottery, wood products, jewelry, t-shirts, soap made from goat's milk, etc.  

An antique car club drove their cars through the campground this evening.  The park's hosts served coffee and cookies to the participants and the RV-ers watching.

There's a couple of events planned for tomorrow!  Stay tuned.

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