Tuesday, July 22, 2014

7/22/2014 Travel Day: Healy to Fairbanks, Alaska (River's Edge RV Park)

It was a joy to leave the RV park where we have been for four days.  Of course there are great RV parks, and bad RV parks, and most leaning toward the "great" rating.  McKinley RV Park the past four days has been at the bad, the lowest rating possible.

It was all that was available, it was close to Denali NP.

Thankfully we weren't there a lot, but....
There had been no maintenance done on/in the park.  The potholes were huge leading into the park.  It was full of construction workers.  The manager did not care thatthe people  one site from Jeff/Marcella was loud, obnoxious, and cooking outdoors at one a.m. We all could hear them.  

The River's Edge is quite the opposite!  It is on the edge of the Chena River; there are no potholes; people in the office are extremely friendly and helpful.

We will be here five nights.

Glen has located the RV service company that, hopefully, will replace the electronic board to the refrigerator in the morning at 8 a.m.  It isn't far from here at all. We are crossing our fingers that it is the correct and needed board, and the company can do the replacement.

It was only 110 miles this morning to Fairbanks.

Here's the beginning of the road.

 A friend of ours who lived in Alaska for two years said there are two seasons in Alaska: winter and road construction.

This stretch was about 11 miles longs.  There were other sections, but none this long.  At some point along the "good" road, an oncoming motor home threw a rock into the windshield of Jim and Dee's motor home.  It put a half-dollar size star into the windshield.  The rig directly in front of us is Jim and Dee's rig.

There are adventures planned for the next several days.  Stay tuned.

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