Monday, July 7, 2014

July 6, 2014 9:22 p.m. Alaska Time Zone 9-Hour Wildlife and Glacier CruiseI

I will let the pictures speak for themselves.  Or...
A picture is worth a 1000 words!

Gayla and Glen ready for the cruise.  All of the many layers were necessary with the clouds, rain, glacier-cooled temperatures.

 One of many icebergs calved from the Columbia Glacier.  Remember only 10 percent is visible.
 How perfectly balanced.
A first for us: a Sitka black-tailed deer; female with twins (not visible)
 Sea otters are my favorite marine mammal, many females with young.
Is this not the cutest! The young stay with Mom, mostly on her stomach for 2 months.
 Mears Glacier.  1/2 mile wide. 1/2 mile from the glacier.
No major calving while we watched.  Most calving at this glacier are smaller pieces and low to the water.
 Gayla and Glen in front of Mears Glacier.
 Gayla holding a chunk of glacier ice.  
 A mass of Stellar sea lions, mostly young bulls.
A fishing trawler, using a drift net, fishing for pink salmon.
The drift net is 1500' long, goes 65-75' deep.  When the trawler is full, it finds a bigger, off-load ship to unload onto.  

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