Tuesday, July 8, 2014

7/7/2014 Bears and Birds (Valdez)

I have taken many pictures today because....
we found young bears.  About three years ago a female had a litter of four cubs, which is very unusual.  She has now kicked the four out of the nest, so to speak, to learn to live on their own.  We  watched three of the four this evening over an hour.

I could show you many pictures, but this video is the highlight of the evening.  Enjoy.
Ok, I tried.  Every time I tried downloading Google tells me there is an error.  Let's try some pictures. If you are a Friend on Facebook, watch the video there.

This morning at low, low tide we found over 60 bald eagles in one area.  I have said it before, and now say it again, Alaskan bald eagles are larger than the ones in the lower 48.

How many

We also watched the escort tugs move a tanker into position to be filled at the tank farm.  It takes 20 hours to fill the tanker, and will take two of the fourteen tanks to fill.  At this point in time fourteen of the sixteen tanks are kept filled.  Contrary to rumor, all of the oil from the pipeline/tank storage is moved to the West coast of the lower 48 states.  According to the original agreement all oil is to be processed in the United Sates, never going overseas.

 See the tiny (in comparison to the tanker) tugs moving the tanker

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