Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1, 2014 (Wednesday, Thursday and) Friday (Oceanside RV Park, Haines, Alaska)

Wednesday and Thursday were travel days, each about 210 miles.  But what a contrast in days.

Wednesday the roads were the worst we have driven on.  Dee said "they made bad roads worst."
 Sometimes it is muddy, sometimes it is dusty.

 Waiting for the Pilot car.

A big line of traffic.  Jim and Dee's rig in front of us.

Finally some wildlife.  A grizzly alongside the highway.

 Kluane Lake, Yukon Territory
 Ring around the mountains.
Vast spaces.
 Trumpeter swan.
 Ice fields near Haines.
 More vastness.
Glacier and ice fields.

We have cell service here in Haines, but no WIFI.  We are at the public library using their free hotspot.  I love libraries.

We have looked around Haines; went to Bald Eagle Foundation this morning, watched an intern work with a bald eagle which had been electrocuted and can no longer fly.

The Southeast Alaska State Fair is all week end here in Haines.  We will check out the food booths, hoping to find some halibut or other seafood.  

The view in front of the campground is spectacular.  There are bald eagles, gulls, yellowlegs, great blue heron, surf scoter as well as harbor seal.  We watched a car ferry and two Princess' and a Disney Cruise ships sail through the harbor.

I will try Saturday to get online but the library is closed for the fair.  Have a great week end.

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