Friday, August 29, 2014

August 29, 2014 Cheer Camp **Photos added

Ashlynn went to a mini-cheer camp this afternoon after school.  

Ashlynn in purple shirt. (taken with my phone)

She and 75 other first through fifth graders met with the junior varsity and varsity cheerleaders from Cape Girardeau High School for two hours.  They learned one cheer and one dance.  They got to keep their pom-poms, and got a t-shirt.

The mini-cheerleaders assisted the official cheer team in welcoming the team on the field, danced with the band, and performed their cheer at half time.

Ashlynn thought it was great fun, except....her feet and legs hurt!  She told her parents she wanted to be on the dance team.  They got to sit down except for when they were dancing.  The cheer leaders stood up ALL of the time!  She's no dummy!

I treated myself today to a massage.  Wow, did it feel good, and relaxed those shoulder and neck muscles.  

Glen had lab/blood work this morning, then met with the oncologist.  The report was good.  The white blood count was up a little, but not enough to be concerned about.  Thank you, Lord.  

Have a great week end.

P.S.  I tried posting a picture of cheer camp from my phone, but having problems with Yahoo.  Darin also tried sending me emails, and Yahoo did not receive them.  I will try again later.  Darin is going to work on the computer tomorrow.

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