Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014 "Why Are You Snoring?"

Ashlynn and Zade sent Saturday night with us.  Ashlynn was still tired from all of the cheerleading Friday night.  About ten p.m. she decided she "wanted her momma.  I miss my momma."
      "I don't like all these lights."
     "What's that noise?"

It was just about a meltdown.  Of course Zade heard her so he "wanted his momma", too.

They both calmed down and went to sleep.  Poppy Glen ended up on the sofa bed; Zade was on twin air mattress; and Ashlynn was with me....for a while.

Zade came in and said he had a bad dream.  He crawled into bed with us. Sometime later he poked me on the shoulder and said "why are you snoring?"  I told him I didn't know I was.  I guess it was loud enough to awaken him.  He went back to his bed.  

They both were up by 7 a.m.  Glen slept through it all!  :}

We went to church, then enjoyed lunch at Panera's.  

Darin/Sarah + family had evening plans.  We have enjoyed the day of doing nothing...or as we described earlier this afternoon...."the height of laziness!"

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