Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 5, 2014 Process Salmon

 We counted 12 employees at this processing plant.

 The sockeye salmon at the first station.
The salmon going through a machine that cuts the filet off the backbone.
This crew hand picks the bones from the filets.

 Morning view from the front of the motor home.
 One of the buildings at the processing plant/cannery.
 Picture perfect!
A close-up of the glacier behind the cannery.

After the morning tour we returned to the motor home where we did a whole lot of nothing!  Glen caught up on some paper work.  We sat outside to watch the boats and birds.

Just a head's up...when we board the ferry I doubt there will be internet service.  When we depart the ferry in Prince Rupert (Saturday) the area is remote and mountainous.  I don't know how long before we might be back in touch.  Don't give up on us.  We will back!  I will post as soon as I am able.  

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