Friday, September 12, 2014

9-12-2014 A Day of Reuniting (Charleston, SC)

Glen has spent some time with the other veterans today.  The ladies that I usually visit with are not here this year.  

Tonight there was a buffet dinner, and then a wonderful, intense speaker.

Lauren Price, founder and worker extraordinaire of "Veteran Warriors", was the speaker tonight.  Both she and her husband are veterans of the Iraq war,  She suffers from a lung ailment that is incurable, and has other issues, so she knows what she is talking about.

"Veteran Warriors" is an organization dedicated to fighting for a veteran with the VA, but, mostly dedicated to revamping the Veterans Administration.  With the fire in her eye and her determination I have no doubt it will get done.  She has horror stories of veterans' dealing with the VA, her own involvement with the VA that will may you cringe in horror and shake your head in disbelief.  

Of course we have heard all of the stories from the veterans that attend the reunion.  Of all those present I know of Glen and two others that are not affected by PTSD.  

Glen and I realize that we are and have been blessed not to have dealt with PTSD and other physical issues: both for ourselves and for not having to have to deal with the VA.  Our first dealings with the VA started this spring when Glen was diagnosed with CLL-a form of leukemia related to exposure to Agent Orange.  

All paper work has been filled out and submitted to the VA system.  We shall see what happens: it is accepted and some form of financial benefit will start; or it is rejected for some reason.

Tomorrow will bring more talk and exchange of stories and information for Glen and the others.

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