Saturday, September 13, 2014

9-13-2014 "War should never be the first solution to a situation. It should always be the last resort." Glen Hickey

It is difficult to describe our evening.  This was the ending program of the Reunion.

Tonight Christopher Upham, fellow Dak To Defender, showed his 50-minute film/documentary titled "Return to Dak To".  I have previously mentioned that Chris and four others returned to Dak To in 2004.  Tonight we saw the results of that visit, interpreted on the screen, with video/still pictures/music.  The realities of war, the emotional impact of those 12 to 14 months spent there, still affecting our veterans today were described in a manner that brought tears, shudders, silence throughout the film.

When it was over, there was applause.  Applause for Chris' efforts, for the finality, for the physical and emotional impact, and for the understanding.

Chris now hopes to sell it to a television network: the History Channel, Discovery Channel, etc.  He will be showing it to Veterans' organizations.  Eventually it wll be for sale.  We will purchase one.  I hope you want to and get the chance to see it  

Any family that has had a member in a war situation, whether WWII, Viet Nam, Iraq, should see this.  Maybe there will be a glimmer of understanding of what your veteran has gone through.

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