Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9-2-2014 Monday/Tuesday

I asked my sister in law this morning about their "holiday" week end.  She replied "holiday? every day is the same anymore!"

I agree with Evelyn.  A three-day holiday week end just doesn't have the same impact as it did eight years ago!  

Yesterday we visited at Darin/Sarah's home.  Sarah's parents, Allen and Vicky, were there also.  Ashlynn and Zade were busy with Grandpa and Grandma -and- Grammy and Poppy.  Zade had lots of people to play "catch" with.  The girls played with Ashlynn and the crayons and coloring books.

Darin had a busy day at the office today.  Sarah was busy, also, and sick with cough.  Ashlynn had doctor's appointment at four for a check up to get a prescription refill; then she had gymnastics at 5:15.  

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade at the After School Care; took Ashlynn to doctor.  There was no waiting and we were finished at 4:15.  We met Darin at the mall parking lot.

Glen and Zade went to the house.  Darin, Ashlynn and I ran a couple of errands before the start of gymnastics.  

I must say that Ashlynn did not inherit her flexibility from our side of the family.  It is amazing to watch her at work with flips, splits, backward flips, balance beam, etc.  She will never be in the Olympics, but she is learning lots that will help her through life.  

There is no word yet from the RV Service Shop regarding the new refrigerator.  I hope delivery is SOON!

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