Saturday, September 27, 2014

9-27-2014 Mobile RV Wash Crew (Pictures included)

We had a great mobile RV wash crew today to work on the roof of the motor home. The price was great.  I didn't really want Glen climbing up and down the back ladder.

Do you recognize this ambitious young man?  It is our son, Darin!   He worked for his supper!  The roof surely looks better.  It still had the remnants of Alaska dust/mud in the cracks and crevices.

Glen and Darin prepared Alaskan halibut for supper.  Some was fried and some was grilled. Both methods were delicious.  There are two more packages to finish up the halibut stash.

Here's the latest member of the Darin Hickey clan.  "Maximus" - or -"Max"- for short.  Ashlynn has given him a middle name:  Maximum Andrew Hickey.  "Max" is half beagle and half terrier, currently 12 weeks old.  Ashlynn is learning how to use the leash to take Max outdoors for the necessary visits.  Both still need training!  

Ashlynn's birthday celebration is tomorrow with the actual birthday on Tuesday.  Eight candles will be on her birthday cake!

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