Sunday, September 28, 2014

9-28-2014 Birthday Celebration

Tonight there was a combined birthday celebration for Ashlynn and Zade.  

The party took place at the indoor pool at Southeast Missouri University.  

 Zade and Darin enjoying the pool.


 Sarah, Caroline (Niece), Vicky (Sarah's mother)

 Ashlynn trying the rock-climbing wall.

 Zade with his cupcakes.

 Ashlynn with her "Frozen" themed cupcakes (Disney movie).

 Ashlynn (in center) with friends.

 Zade with his gifts.

Glen and I braved the 88-degree heat this afternoon and washed the motorhome!  It is shiny-clean from top to bottom for the first time in a long while.

Fun day planned for tomorrow.  Stay tuned.

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