Monday, September 29, 2014

9-29-2014 Teachers Have Homework!

Students didn't go to school today.  Zade told me that the "teachers have homework!"; in other words--in service training today.

We spent the day with Ashlynn, Zade, and Max, the puppy.

Zade had an appointment at 1:30 with the orthopedic doctor.  An x-ray was taken.  It was decided Zade needed to wear a boot for two weeks.  The ankle will then be re-x-rayed.  The hard part for Zade will be "no running or jumping"!

Marcella (Glen's sister) and Jeff arrived at the RV park sometime today (while we were gone).  They are ending their whirlwind retirement trip.

Marcella left school on the morning of May 30, and they headed north through Canada and into Alaska.  At the end of August they started south  with stops at Yellowstone, the Tetons, the National Parks of Utah, and finally the Grand Canyon.  They, Evelyn, and three of Marcella's friends hiked Rim to Rim of the Grand Canyon.

They are going to enjoy some days with their daughter/husband and four children here in Cape Girardeau.

Here's the boot Zade will be wearing for a couple of weeks.

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