Thursday, January 1, 2015

01-01-15 one-one--fourteen (oops fifteen) MUSIC AND FOOTBALL

There's been a whole lot of football today with an interval of music.

We watched the Rose Bowl Parade this morning.  On the float dedicated to organ donors there was a picture of one of Gary and Evelyn's friends/neighbors.  His family was invited to be there to watch the parade from the bleachers. 

MIZZOU football started at noon but we set the DVR to record the game.  

We stopped a few minutes at Dee and Jim's to assist in putting away the party decorations.  

It was then on to a Jam Session at two p.m.   This was the first session (this season) at Stinson's RV Park, five miles south of town.  There were eight musicians at this session.  

When we got home it was time to watch Mizzou football.  It was a win for the Missouri Tigers at the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl.  

It was not weather for outdoor projects.  The low this morning--39 degrees, with a high of 43 degrees with lots of drizzle and mist and clouds in between!  If we can make it through one more day, think it is supposed to be 60 degrees Saturday. 

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