Saturday, January 3, 2015

01-03-2014 What was that Bright Object in the Sky?

Oh, my!  Warning!
Sunglasses needed!

Yes...the sun shined all day!  It has been over a week since we have seen the sun!

In the past week there has been over 1.5 inches of rain!  The cacti will be blooming in a few weeks.

We made a trip this morning to Wal-Mart in Laredo.  Evelyn, Glen, and I all had prescription refills to pick up!  Of course we also bought groceries-plus.  

My sister and her husband arrived this afternoon.  They are staying at a neighboring motel/kitchenette.  We are happy to have them here.  We will be showing them the highlights of Zapaa!  That won't take long!

All of us enjoyed Chicken Chili for dinner.  Guess what?  we ate outside!  The patio heater was on, but it was great to sit outdoors for the evening.  

Glen and Gary worked on the outdoor project this afternoon.  The weather has delayed the progress, but it is coming right along.

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