Friday, January 9, 2015

January 9, 2015 Weather Report

Yes!  the weather is worth reporting!

Low this morning:  38 degrees
High today:  44 degrees
Total Mist:  .32"

Misery Scale: one being the lowest; ten being not too miserable-----4.
The wind could have been blowing miserably and it would have been lower.  The sun could have been shining and it would have been higher!

Our Sunday School director two Sundays ago said it was going to be "wetter and colder".  I told him today I wanted a new weather director/report!  LOL  He said it was a "la Nina" winter.  I asked "how long did it last?"  He didn't have an answer for that.  

Do not send messages telling me how cold it is in Indiana or Missouri or Michigan or Arkansas!  (smiling)  It is all relative:  this is cold down here.  The buildings aren't insulated.  I am not sure Jan and Bruce's room has a furnace.  They are using an electric heater.  We loaned them a down blanket for another layer on their bed!

We all met this morning for "breakfast burritos" at the local "Stripes" station.  Yes, at the filling station/convenience store.  It is unbelievable how many meals per day are sold there.  The eggs and bacon breakfast burritos are only 99-cents each.  Some mornings we eat one each; other mornings we split three.  

At one p.m. Four Seasons RV Park hosted a bluegrass/country quartet called "Goldwing Express", originally from Oklahoma.  It is a father and three sons.  The sons are in their middle 30's to near 40.  They are exceptional musicians and singers.  It was 90 minutes of non-stop entertainment , all for $5 per person.  

There's no music planned for tomorrow unless Glen and Evelyn and Fred and Gay get a practice session in for a gospel jam on Sunday afternoon.

We sure are having fun here in spite of the temperatures and mist!!!

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