Sunday, February 1, 2015

FEB 1, 2015 Super Bowl Week end (Zapata TX)

Friday and Saturday
These two days have been just ordinary, stay-at-home days.  Glen and Gary are slowing checking items off of the bathroom project list.

Have I mentioned that the bathroom sink faucet did not work after installation?  After investigation Glen discovered several broken plastic pieces inside the handle/faucet.  Another trip to Laredo is planned in the near future.

We just returned from the home of Mark and Jane, who live one street over from us.  Mark and Jane, and son Michael and wife Betty hosted the church family for a time of prayer prior to the football game.  

Michael set up a 12' x 8' screen to project the Super Bowl onto.  It was an awesome picture.  Michael also grilled wings and jalapenos halves filled with cheese and wrapped in bacon.  Repeat after me:  delicious, scrumptious!

It is still 67 degrees.  Some of us enjoyed a sweatshirt; some didn't need any kind of jacket.  

Bird of Paradise in bloom

Butterfly bush in bloom.

Plans for Monday or Tuesday
Drive to Laredo to exchange the faucet at Lowe's.  Shop at Walmart, and Sam's.  

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