Monday, February 2, 2015

FEB 2, 2015 One More Exchange at Lowe's

One more trip to Laredo; one more exchange at Lowe's.

Gary and Evelyn chose to stay home today rather than go to Laredo.

Glen and I made a day of it in Laredo.  

Stops today....
Home Depot--plumbing supplies
Guitar Store--checked out ukuleles for Evelyn.  Bought ukulele for Evelyn.  (We don't know what we        are doing.  
Lowe's--exchange faucet; buy faucet, etc
Walmart #1--wrong Walmart.  No prescription refill here
Walmart #2--right one.  Pick up prescription.  

Lunch--finally. At...
Palenque Grill--the best shrimp tacos ever.

Finally made it home about 4:30.

Get ready for Jam Session.
Give Evelyn the ukulele.  She likes it!  She will teach herself how to play.  She's talented like that.

Jam Session at Amigo Inn Motel and RV Park Rec Hall.  Chairs were full.

Yes--we are tired.  It is drizzling.  it is 46 degrees.  One more yucky day--80 percent chance of rain Tuesday.  High Tuesday 57 degrees.

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