Tuesday, February 10, 2015

FEB 10, 2015 (Tuesday ) Accomplishments

A good day in the neighborhood!

There was mail at the post office.  Thanks, Darin, for that forward!

Glen and I both got haircuts!.  The shaggy look is gone.

I have all new books to read after returning the last group to the library!  There's nothing better for me to do than to have a book by one of my (many) favorite authors, sitting in the outdoor lounger.

Glen worked on plumbing, built a shower wall.

A crew came to work on building and installing a gate in the chain-link fence in the back yard so visitors with an RV can drive onto the new concrete parking place easily.  

There were 12 musicians on the stage tonight.  For 18 years Tom, of Iowa, has led the Tuesday night Jam Session.  Tom will be here two more sessions then will return to Iowa and not come back to Zapata.  It hasn't been determined who the new leader will be, or, if there will be one.  It is feeling like the home RV park is not leaning toward selecting a new leader which means no more jam sessions.  There will be lots of disappointment people if the jam session is discontinued.

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