Monday, February 9, 2015

FEB 9, 2015 Refills and Home Depot (Monday)

It's our age. The memory isn't what it used to be.

Last Saturday Glen says "this is the last pill in this bottle.  Oh, no, I am out."  

Sunday, as you know was busy.

It was off to Laredo this morning.  I also needed one refill although it wasn't completely empty; there were six left in the bottle.

Then on to Home Depot.  A friend who is doing some tile work told us of a bargain price on two styles/color of tile.  Tile is needed for the shower that will be in the "new" outdoor bathroom.  We found a color we can live with; it isn't too brown.  But, of course, there wasn't enough of the size needed for the floor.  It is ordered, and should be here in a week.  

Honestly, it was only four stops: Walmart to leave the refill order; Home Depot to shop for tile; Olive Garden for lunch; and back to Walmart to pick up refill; and it took nearly all day.  We left at 8:30 and got home 2:30/3/00.  

Glen did some work in the bathroom.  I think he worked on the walls for the shower.

It was then time to get ready for the Monday night Jam Session.  Evelyn and Gary: we missed you.  We had to recruit help to carry in the sound system.  

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