Monday, February 23, 2015

FEB 23, 2015 (Monday) Whew, I am Tired!

I am tired, and I had a nap!

We--Jeff and Marcella, and Glen and me---went to Laredo today.  It doesn't matter how short the list is, it ends up a long day.

We went to Home Depot to pick up the rest of the tile order.
We went to the Guitar Store to return the ukulele Evelyn wanted returned.  
We went to Sam's for just a few items.

Lunch at "Paraque Grill".  They serve the best ever tacos and homemade chips and dips.  Umm-m!

Glen dropped Marcella and me off at Walmart while he and Jeff took the truck to "Discount Tire" to find the reason for the slo-o-w leak in the back left tire.  A small nail was found in the tread.  The tire was fixable.  

Marcella and I were finished with our shopping and were waiting for them.  A quick pick-up at the front door.

Then it was homeward bound.

We unloaded the groceries.  I got in a power nap before it was time to go to Monday Night Jam Session at Amigo Inn.

Marcella sang with the group tonight.  

By the way at last midnight it was 72 degrees.  The low is the current temp of 39 degrees at 10:00.  
That's a drop of 45 degrees from yesterday.  

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