Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FEB 24, 2015 (Tuesday) New Game

Jeff and Marcella introduced us to the game of "Settlers of Catan" this morning.

There was a learning curve, but I was beginning to get the hang of it before Glen won!   Because it was the first game Jeff and Marcella served as mentors/advisers!

We all enjoyed a bowl of chili after the game.  
Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella practiced music for tonight.

This was the last Jam Session for the emcee of the Tuesday Night Jam Session.  Tom and his wife, Donna, are returning to Iowa.  Health issues are becoming a priority.  They want to go "home"to be close to medical care.  

I have mentioned previously that it was in question as to whether the jam session would continue.  It was announced tonight that Vaughan from Canada will now be the emcee/in charge.  

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