Friday, February 27, 2015

FEB 27, 2015 TV Time

Disclaimer:  this content may contain whiny remarks!

It was 39 when we got up and 39 just now with temps reaching 41 degrees.  I know, I know, there were no single digits and temps in the tens and no wintry mixes or weather advisories.  But still, it is only one day from being March.  And, it is South Texas!  OK, end of whiny remarks!  

I finally took time this morning to go for a pedicure.  Ah-h-h, I feel better.

Today was a good day for Glen to rest his achy back.  He did buy some lumber and put in a couple of boards.  

Tonight the six of us watched the premier episode of The Amazing Race. And, the Finale of The Mentalist!  

Thank goodness, The Mentalist had a happy ending!

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