Sunday, March 1, 2015

FEB 28/March 1, 2015 The Week-End Report

Saturday and Sunday

It's been a typical week end.  

The weather kept us indoors all day.  We played several games of 19-point pitch.

Glen, Evelyn, and Marcella went to choir practice last night at church.

It was in the forties all day Saturday.

We all went to church this morning; then enjoyed lunch along with Fred and Gay at Robert's Catfish.

This afternoon Glen, with his crew--Gary and Jeff, finished prepping the shower area.  The shower is now ready for the tiler to arrive tomorrow.

Glen's back is feeling much better.

CAUTION: Chef at work
Not one, but two chefs at work at the Hickey RV Resort.

Jeff made three loaves of cinnamon raisin bread this afternoon.  We enjoyed a slice of warm bread for supper!


We then all watched the Friday night episode of "The Amazing Race."  All caught up!

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