Sunday, February 8, 2015

FEB 8, 2015 Bloodless Bull Fights

Ten of us gathered this afternoon and drove to La Gloria to watch the "Bloodless Bull Fights."

Seven of the group rode motorcycles; the rest of us drove our vehicles.  

It was a great afternoon to do anything, be outside.  It was sunshiny and 86 degrees.  

There were two matadors and four assistants.  Actually there was one matador and one matadora--a girl.  They each "fought" two bulls.  

It was a fun afternoon, and we are glad that we went, but might not go again!

A cowbowy displaying his beautiful palamino.

A practice round.  The last act of the "fight" the matador removes the flower from the bull (instead of killing the bull as in the old days--thus "bloodless".)

Matador directing the bull.

Matadora directing a bull.

The bulls are bred and raised especially for bull fights.

Evelyn and Gary went to San Antonio this morning.  They picked up Mike (Evelyn's son) and Tammy at the SA airport this afternoon.  They are spending the next four days there, and then will come back to Zapata.  

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