Monday, March 16, 2015

3-16-15 (Monday) Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That, with some music thrown in

It was a good day to finish up some projects.

Glen and Jeff worked on the bathroom project; it isn't quite finished, but close.  The inside walls are being lined with new roofing tin.  There is about a sheet and half more to hang.

I thinned out some aloe vera plants that I have planted along a fence.  There was a wheelbarrow full of aloe "pups" (the babies) after I finished.  It doesn't take long for plants to take over a corner or a yard or a flower bed.

Tonight was the last night for this winter season of Monday night Jam Session.  The performers have all enjoyed the guitar playing and singing.  As part of the audience I can say we all have enjoyed it.

Here's Evelyn, Marcella, and Glen tonight at Amigo Inn.

Marcella and Jeff are leaving Thursday morning, driving to Springfield MO.

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