Tuesday, March 17, 2015

3-17-15 St. Patrick's Day-----Raindrops falling on My Head

Real rain drops.
Real rain storms.

Here in Zapata.
Real rain.

Since this morning there has been a total of 1.56 inches of rain here on our side of town. (so far)
It's still raining--hard.  10:45 p.m.

Tonight at the jam session it was raining so hard the musicians could hardly be heard.  There may have been more rain three miles from here.  

Departure plans for Jeff/Marcella may be delayed.  They were planning on leaving tomorrow afternoon after a neighborhood lunch.  They want to be in Springfield MO on Friday.  

Gary and Evelyn are planning on leaving Friday morning.  

We sat outside under the tin roof most of the day.  It is such a soothing sound hearing the rain drops on the tin roof.  

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