Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-15 A Twisting Day

I awakened at six a.m., walked softly to the bathroom, then the living room.  Looking out the front windshield I saw the fifth wheel and pick up in the street, Evelyn closing the gate.  Gary was in the truck.

In just one minute Evelyn was in the truck and they were off to Missouri.  We heard from them late this evening and learned they are half way 'home".  

Glen and I working outdoors, used the power washer on the new concrete, washing off the mud; then the front concrete where the mesquite leaves had accumulated around the jacks and wheels of the fifth wheel.  

Over the sound of the power washer motor I heard Glen yelling at me.  I looked around and he was lying on the sidewalk.  He had stepped on the edge of the sidewalk, twisted his ankle and went to the ground.

There is nothing broken.  He iced and elevated the ankle.  It is very sore.  We bought an ankle brace.  He uses the brace when he is walking.  It is going to be sore for a few days.  He is prone to twisting his weak ankles although it has been quite some time since it has been this swollen.  The ankle is about the size of a small grapefruit.  

Jim and Cris, friends in the neighborhood, happened by when Glen was sitting with ice on the ankle.  They jumped right in and mowed the yard so Glen or I wouldn't have to.  It was not necessary but nice that it is done!

There is a "flash flood alert" issued for this area from now until Saturday evening.  There is another 3-4 inches of rain forecast.  This is very unusual for this time of year.  

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