Sunday, March 29, 2015

3-29-15 Sumday Evening

The last few days have been filled with enjoying--at last--wonderful weather.  We have been outdoors from morning to evening.

We are slowing but surely getting to the point of being ready to depart Wednesday morning.

I have all of the kitchen items that belong in the mh (when we are on the road) back in their rightful places.  The outside refrigerator is empty and cleaned.  In fact all is done there.  I will do the last of the laundry tomorrow and/or Tuesday, and the kitchen can then be locked.

We have been invited to neighors Glenda and Milton's for lunch tomorrow at two.  I am in the process of baking a dessert for that meal.

Glen has finished some trim items in the "outdoor" bathroom.  He has all of his tools put away.  

There are two jobs to be done at the last minute....taking down the sun/wind shades and putting away, and, storing the patio table/chairs.  That's it, almost finished.  Each job will take about 15-20 minutes each.

We sprayed water onto the roof over the outdoor kitchen--where the leaking had taken place.  Eureka! no leaks!

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