Wednesday, March 25, 2015

3-25-15 Zapata in Bloom

Spring has sprung!

Enjoy these blooms seen around Zapata this morning! I will label the ones I know! a field. 
 Orchid tree
 Hibiscious with a rose on the left.
Wild Poppy

Wild Olive, I think

Huische (pronounced "wee-sach-ee")


Petunias in our yard

In a field

Bottle bush

Rose Garden

Cats Claw

Bougenevilla ( I am sure this isn't spelled correctly)
Aloe Vera-yellow variety; also comes in orange

Look forward to prickly pear in bloom.

Five plus inches of rain plus days in the high 80's and 90's equals an abundance of blooms.

Glen's ankle is somewhat better today.  He has been putting weight/pressure on it without using crutches.

We are slowly prepping for departure one week from today.  Every time I got outdoors I bring something in from the "outside' kitchen.  

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