Thursday, April 23, 2015

APRIL 23, 3015 Work Going On

There was a whole lot of workin' going on today.  Maybe it wasn't work for us, but there was a lot accomplished.

The motorhome now has six, count them, 1-2-3-4-5-6, new tires! The front end has been aligned; the original shocks replaced with new ones.  

Glen mowed Darin's yard.  Darin is busy, it is supposed rain; and Glen enjoys getting on the riding mower.  

Now, I know this isn't exciting or interesting to you fellows, but for all the 'girls' out there--I bought new make up; and got a haircut.  It puts a smile on a girl's face!

And, we stopped at the Thursday local Farmer's Market.  It is still early in the season.  There were lots of gardening plants and flowers to buy to replant in a garden or flower bed.  But the vendor with the best product was there--the Mennonite family that sells freshly-made and cooked doughnuts!  still warm.  It is a dangerous place to linger.  Those doughnuts just seem to jump into one's hands!

The day ended with Glen and me taking Ashlynn to her swim lesson.  Darin went with Zade to baeball practice.  Sarah was still at the office.

Are you getting ready for the week-end?  Have a great one!

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