Friday, April 24, 2015


Today is Tanner's birthday; he is 15.  My grandsons are getting so grown-up.  Time is flying.

Glen and I were talking about 15 years ago when he was born.  April 23 was Easter Sunday.  His mom, Trisha, wanted to go to church but just didn't feel like it.  We did a family picture that Sunday afternoon. She definitely was pregnant!  

The next day, Monday the 24th, Tanner arrived.  The night after he was born, Trisha had a dream about his name.  The next day Trisha announced that his middle name had changed.  He would be and still is Tanner Jacob----which are Trisha's initials!

Here's the birthday boy!

Big decisions in the morning.

Zade has an all-star soccer tournament tomorrow at Farmington MO, which is about 75 minutes from here.  The first game is at 9  a.m.; the next game is at 4 p.m.  And, the weather is Iffy!  I think we have decided not to make the nine o'clock game; and to see what the weather is later in the afternoon before making the decision about the four o'clock game.

Have a good Saturday.

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